visual partner

How to Help Participants Cocreate, Connect, and Inspire at Your Multi-Day Event

The full synthesis map from five days of the virtual GCSE+Drawdown conference.

The full synthesis map from five days of the virtual GCSE+Drawdown conference.

Once again for the people in the back, you CAN have an interactive and participatory virtual conference with over 3,000 participants from all over the world! 

In early January (let’s talk about how these folks know how to start a new year!), the Global Council for Science and the Environment (GCSE), and Project Drawdown brought together researchers, leaders, and community members to learn, share, and create solutions for people and planet.  

As a visual thought partner for the virtual event, I wanted create ways that graphics could support meaningful work with the huge number of participants and volume of content. There were eight Thematic Pathways with concurrent sessions, and more than 50 simultaneous Collaborative Action Groups which emerged from brainstorming sessions over the course of the week. 

How could we work together to look for patterns and themes across multiple, very full days? 

How could we make sure participants could see their ideas emerging throughout the week? 

And how do this as just one recorder? 

We needed a plan!

The organizing team and I collaborated before and during the conference to develop communication systems, like a designated note-taker in each Pathway with access to a shared Google Doc template for key ideas. I could then distill and illustrate these notes, and combine them with insights from real-time graphics of plenary panels and keynotes (these drawings were included in the final piece as well). 

Communication of key ideas? Check. 

We decided to use Miro as a virtual platform to host the emerging map. Similar to shared Google Docs or Slides, with a shared link we dropped into the chat each day, participants could view the Synthesis from start to finish throughout the week. They could zoom in to see details in graphics I had drawn real-time in plenaries, or zoom out for the overall flow, and could share it with others they thought would be interested.

Participant observation? Check!

ConverSketch_Miro_Synthesis Map GCSE Drawdown.png

The result was a massive Synthesis Illustration mapping how research feeds action for climate solutions, which participants could SEE AS IT GREW throughout the week on the conference website’s gallery, as well as via the link shared frequently in the chat box throughout the conference. 

So, what emerged as key themes for science and solutions for people and planet? Explore for yourself! For me, a theme I’ve hear not only at GCSE+Drawdown, is that for these solutions to work, it comes down to one thing: people working together. 

Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.


Karina Signature.png

Where in the Virtual World is ConverSketch?

Adobe Creative Campus Collaboration: Learning from creative educators and students how to nurture the “magician” in each potentially creative student. 

Adobe Creative Campus Collaboration: Learning from creative educators and students how to nurture the “magician” in each potentially creative student. 

Filming a New Drawing Connections Video: Did you know that mosquitos are not native to Hawai’i? In the newest video with the NPS, I can’t wait to take you through a journey of endangered birds, avian malaria, and climate change. 

Filming a New Drawing Connections Video: Did you know that mosquitos are not native to Hawai’i? In the newest video with the NPS, I can’t wait to take you through a journey of endangered birds, avian malaria, and climate change. 

Natural Areas Strategic Vision: I’m delighted to finally be able to share this studio illustration created last year in partnership with the City of Greeley’s Natural Areas program, showing the history of the land, input from the community, and visi…

Natural Areas Strategic Vision: I’m delighted to finally be able to share this studio illustration created last year in partnership with the City of Greeley’s Natural Areas program, showing the history of the land, input from the community, and vision for the future.

A Gentle New Year’s Reflections and Visioning Practice

Happy New Year!

In such a monumentally symbolic time of year, especially THIS year, making time to reflect and visualize feels…a little overwhelming. 

What if I don’t have time to do a deep dive? Taking 15 minutes could be exactly what you need.

What if I don’t ask myself all the right questions? The questions you do ask yourself will be exactly right.

What if I’m not creating something deserving of the gravitas of this moment as we depart from 2020? Sometimes simple is the most elegant. 

Which is why I’ve decided to ask myself the same questions I have for the past few years – and share them with you in a fresh design to fill in:

  • What have I accomplished this year? 

  • What am I grateful for?

  • What am I letting go of? 

  • What am I opening up to?

  • What do I want to attract in my life this year?


For me, taking any amount of time, whether it’s a few minutes or a few hours, around each new year to reflect and focus my energy for the coming calendar year feels powerful and uplifting. Energy flows where attention goes

It’s an opportunity to create clarity for myself among a world of unknowns. It’s creating space to center – that center we can all return to and tap into during the moments of cray cray. 

If you’d like more ConverSketch ideas for New Years visioning, here’s the archive from 20202019, and 2017. If a template feels too prescriptive, check out my favorite tips for creating your own custom vision board.

If you’re ready for a deeper dive, Sarah Firth has created a gorgeous digital download or printed workbook to fill in throughout the whole year. There are even two different covers to choose from and color!

Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.


Karina Signature.png

Where in the Virtual World is ConverSketch?

Resting  Happy Winter!

Resting  Happy Winter!

Getting ready for the virtual National Council on Science and the Environment + Drawdown next week. The theme is Research to Action and I’m looking forward to seeing researchers and practitioners connecting! 

Getting ready for the virtual National Council on Science and the Environment + Drawdown next week. The theme is Research to Action and I’m looking forward to seeing researchers and practitioners connecting! 

Ready for 2021? Let’s explore how graphic recording can help make meetings better - even virtual ones!

Chaos Clarified: Visualizing Systems Cycles

As I was floating in a river canyon last week, thinking those sorts of nebulous thoughts, a memory clicked into place while gazing at the ancient stone and water around us. 

Way back in 2018 (that was at least 15 years ago, right?), I partnered with the Environmental Defense Fund and Colorado State University to graphic record a series of systems thinking workshops looking at pollinator habitat in midwestern agricultural lands. Over several months, this thoughtful team took a deep dive into systems thinking and I visually mapped out the process and ideas as we went. 

With so many moving parts, mental models, things we can/cannot control, emotions, perspectives, and information to sort through, it felt overwhelming to make decisions or know what we could do to make a positive change.

As we leaned into the systems thinking tools, we began to practice and see how they were one way to help us clarify complexity, map out relationships, and illuminate patterns or points of leverage that had previously gone unrecognized.

So, this last week as I was wondering why it felt like so many complex and difficult things are colliding right now in my country, and why the heck can’t we think long-term and collaboratively to solve problems, a sketch from 2018 popped into my mind: 

Systems Workshop 2_Time Cycles.jpg

This drawing shows the time cycles of different elements of the pollinator/ag system we were mapping, and how each element’s cycle is quite different than the others. 

For example – our political cycle is four years, while many ecological cycles are much longer (100+ years). And the agricultural cycle is much shorter – just one year. So, if each of these cycles is driven by a different time constraint, the patterns of misalignment start to become clear. And the motivation to create policy or strategies that wouldn’t come to fruition until 10, 20, 100 years later…those are less persuasive in an election year. 

Systems mapping also created a framework to being understanding where changes could be made, and where ripple effects might begin. 

I love this question from Hugh McLeod: Where can the smallest change make the biggest difference?

So, in times where challenges seem enormous, pick up a pencil and make a few marks – you might be surprised at what becomes clear and where YOU can make a difference.

I am delighted to get to share some Very Exciting News!

When I first found out about graphic recording back in 2010, I took a training in the Bay Area which shaped how I approach the work and gave me a strong foundation to build my practice on. Since then, I’ve had the delight to become friends with one of the instructors, Emily Shepard of The Graphic Distillery. Em is kind, funny, compassionate, extremely talented, and an exceptional teacher. 

Why am I telling you all this? Because she just launched her new online course, Draw It Out! If you’ve ever wondered if YOU could take better visual notes or become a graphic recorder, this is your moment. She created this course to help equip people with tools to better understand each other and communicate more easily. Check out her course overview and outcomes here!*

And if you want a MASSIVE discount of $100 off, be sure to register before Friday, October 9th at 8 pm Pacific using the code birdflightdio. 

This is an affiliate link, so if you register I get a kickback because that’s how Emily rolls. For the record, I’d promote the sh*t out of this class regardless because she’s amazing.

Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.


Karina Signature.png

Where in the Virtual World is ConverSketch?


Children with Medical Complexity: In the last of a series of virtual reflections with universities and health campuses across the country, the graphics summarize lessons learned, accomplishments, and where these teams can focus in the future to support families and children in their health.


On Trails and the River: We snuck out for a small rafting trip in Western Colorado/Eastern Utah last week. Here’s a plein air watercolor I sketched at camp one evening. Spending time in nature fuels my creativity and soul, and I am feeling particularly privileged to have access to public lands, equipment, and time away. 

Water Research Vision 2050: Phase one of this project is also coming to a close this fall, and we are gearing up for the final Writing Workshop later this month to refine a framework for the Agricultural Research Service’s vision for water research in the coming decades.


My Favorite Ways to Harvest Ideas

It’s high summer, which means making the most of long days, and heaps of veggies coming from the garden. This weekend we hung garlic to dry, shelled peas, and stemmed gooseberries to freeze for making jam later.

Sometimes I look around and realize I’ve completely missed harvesting something before it’s gotten too old or overripe (How did all the cilantro bolt already?).

The same can happen in meetings or conferences – raise your hand if you’ve ever been on a call which was supposed to be interactive, then with 10 minutes left, the speakers finally relinquish the floor and you only have a few minutes to try to work together?

Without intention, the time can fly by without truly making the most of the opportunity to cross-pollinate ideas together.

Working with my clients as a virtual graphic facilitator, I delight in partnering together to harvest ideas, show systems, and create shared understanding for deeper, more effective, and long-lasting work.

Here are a handful of my favorite ways to harvest ideas in virtual meetings:

  • Using the “rename” function to include first name and one-word response to a warm-up question such as “How are you feeling right now?” to “One word we should to carry forward from this meeting”

  • Creating a visual template to guide report outs and upload to a shared platform for future use

  • A facilitated go-round where each person shares their response to a prompt, giving air time to everyone

  • Using a Google Doc template with tables and visuals to work synchronously and include more detailed notes

  • Have everyone write down a word or phrase on a sticky note or paper on their desk and hold it up to the camera – then take a screen shot! These images can be incorporated into a report or summary web page

  • Working with a graphic recorder or facilitator to synthesize key ideas and energy into a visual summary

What are your favorite ways to harvest ideas in virtual spaces?

Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.


Karina Signature.png

Where in the Virtual World is ConverSketch?

Wild places are a blessing I am privileged to experience and enjoy – our trip on the Middle Fork of the Salmon was one for the books – here’s a watercolor I painted one evening while waiting for dinner.

Wild places are a blessing I am privileged to experience and enjoy – our trip on the Middle Fork of the Salmon was one for the books – here’s a watercolor I painted one evening while waiting for dinner.

Preparing for ShapingEDU’s Learning(Hu)Man -- a virtual hands-on summer “camp” for dreamers, doers, and drivers in higher education focusing on best practices in learning design, edtech tools and development, and the art of the possible to support s…

Preparing for ShapingEDU’s Learning(Hu)Man -- a virtual hands-on summer “camp” for dreamers, doers, and drivers in higher education focusing on best practices in learning design, edtech tools and development, and the art of the possible to support students’ success.

Wrapping up a studio project for my local county department of health and environment I can’t quite reveal yet…stay tuned!

Wrapping up a studio project for my local county department of health and environment I can’t quite reveal yet…stay tuned!

What's It Like to Work with a Remote Graphic Recorder?

Okay, so you’ve decided you want to partner with a remote graphic recorder for your online meeting. Does that mean you’ve signed yourself up for hours of extra prep and planning? The answer is a big, tall glass of “nope”!

Here’s a look at how easy it is to bring in a remote scribe.

The short version:

Send me your agenda, and I’ll prepare as needed. You research mycelium? I figure out how to draw mycelium. You lead an innovation team? I sketch ideas for how to visualize the intangible ideas.

Then I hop on the meeting platform about 20 minutes early to test screen sharing, and make sure we’re on the same page about transitions. You do your thing, I do mine, and you get a gorgeous summary of key content to share and leverage moving forward!

The more complex version:

If we’re collaborating on a series of meetings or a longer event, there’s typically at least two planning calls per meeting where we get clear about purpose, how the visuals will best serve your goals, and brainstorm creative ways to leverage the visuals.

Do you want to create a cohesive brand around a series of meetings and the visual outputs? Let’s design it!

Will custom templates support breakout groups’ discussions and facilitate a concise and focused report back? Let’s make them!

How will visuals be shared and used long-term? Let’s design a communication strategy to keep participants involved!

In addition, there’s often 1-2 hours of practicing tech and transitions before the event to make sure everything runs smoothly, and we have backup plans if Murphy’s Law strikes.

After an event, it’s also really useful to do a 15 minute debrief with the core planning team and make sure next steps and who’s responsible are clear, as well as how visuals will be shared and if there’s any follow-up drawing that needs to happen to achieve your goals.

What do you get in return? Here’s what Deborah Gilburg said this week:

Karina is creating a lot of opportunity for people to think differently by creating these drawings.

This is our time to think differently! To create opportunities for what we believe in, and to let go of what’s not serving us.

Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.


Karina Signature.png

Where in the Digital World is ConverSketch?

Infrastructure Masons’ Global Member Summit: Industry leaders focused on sustainability and innovation in the world of data centers. I was honored to capture the keynotes with Kate Brandt; Chief Sustainability Officer at Google, and Noelle Walsh; Ch…

Infrastructure Masons’ Global Member Summit: Industry leaders focused on sustainability and innovation in the world of data centers. I was honored to capture the keynotes with Kate Brandt; Chief Sustainability Officer at Google, and Noelle Walsh; Chief Sustainability Officer at Microsoft. Hearing their visions, backed by action, intelligent teams, and big hearts reinvigorated my hope for our planet’s future!

ShapingEDU: Applying AI to the Student Debt Crisis. This launch introduced the grassroots approach to leveraging AI to solve massively complex problems like convincing policymakers the need for solar infrastructure in Nigeria, and now focusing on st…

ShapingEDU: Applying AI to the Student Debt Crisis. This launch introduced the grassroots approach to leveraging AI to solve massively complex problems like convincing policymakers the need for solar infrastructure in Nigeria, and now focusing on student debt. Anyone is invited to join this global AI hackathon until June 30th!

How to Manage Uncertainty and Adapt on the Fly: Five Remote Meeting Strategies You Can Implement Today

How are you all doing? I hope this email finds you and your loved ones safe, healthy, and making time for a few deep breaths. Be gentle with yourselves, have as much fun as you can, and let me know if there’s anything I can do to help you as we navigate this wild time.

Speaking of wild, it’s hard to imagine that a month ago, I was at the third annual ShapingEDU Unconference at Arizona State University. We all know how rapidly the COVID situation has been evolving, and though we had initially expected over 200 invite-only participants to join us at ASU, around 50 folks made it in person with many more joining remotely from around the world.

Karina graphic recording in person at Arizona State University - ShapingEDU Day 1

Karina graphic recording in person at Arizona State University - ShapingEDU Day 1

However, after first full day the organizing team made some difficult decisions. Ultimately, they decided to shift to a fully remote meeting for the final half day of the Unconference.  

That’s right: On Thursday the Unconference was blended in-person and online, and on Friday morning, all participants were fully remote. Without missing a beat, this remarkable group kept co-creating together – we weren’t going to lose the opportunity!

Screen sharing in Zoom, graphic recording on my iPad (behind my shoulder) - ShapingEDU Day 2

Screen sharing in Zoom, graphic recording on my iPad (behind my shoulder) - ShapingEDU Day 2

So, what made it possible for this group to pivot and adapt so quickly? How can your team learn from ShapingEDU?

Here are five observations as to what enabled this agile Unconference to remain successful despite unprecedented hurdles, that you can learn from and implement today!

  1. The group was already used to blended learning – we meet regularly for webinars throughout the year between Unconferences to keep the work going.

    What you can do: Take some time to make sure your people are comfortable with the platform you’re using and make support accessible. Practice often!

  2. We had a killer tech team supporting the whole event – streaming multiple cameras to Zoom, using mics so remote participants could hear, and a team of people monitoring the chat and Slack channels to answer questions and help with technical issues.

    What you can do: Have someone designated to help you run your remote meeting and be clear on expectations and roles for the two of you. Who will guide the conversation? Keep time? Monitor the chat? Even if it’s just you, think about how you can set expectations and build in time during the call to check on the chat, answer questions, and provide support.

  3. Organizers communicated changes clearly and transparently – they were swift to share updates and how to continue participating. They leveraged multiple avenues for sharing how and when to stay involved, and kept it simple.

    What you can do: Have templates prepared ahead of time for various scenarios that might emerge. Post language for different outlets in a Google Doc that’s shared so your team all has the same info, and have a plan for who will make sure it’s shared where.

  4. Graphic facilitation was leveraged in-person and remotely to provide continuity and engagement – at ASU, we created towers with boards on-site and live-streamed visuals to remote participants, and when we moved remotely, we shifted to screen sharing digitally created graphic notes. Watching the literal shape of the report outs emerge kept participants interested and helps catch people back up on the most important ideas, even if they do need to step away for a bit.

    What you can do: Partner with a graphic recorder before your remote meeting to brainstorm ways to leverage visuals to minimize the temptation of multi-tasking, keep track of many ideas, and build a shared picture of the conversation.

  5. There was continuity throughout and after the Unconference -- from live to online sessions to continuing to work remotely between Unconferences, the ShapingEDU team knows that the visuals provide a solid foundation for building on ideas over time. They were sure to make the most of the graphics created during the Unconference in a follow up email (see below) with a clear call to action for next steps sparked memories and kept the community engaged even afterwards.

    What you can do: Create a communication strategy with a clear summary of the event and next steps for action from participants. Work with your graphic recorder so you’ve got visually engaging content that helps transport participants back to the ideas shared during the meeting, and carries the key ideas forward.

The follow up email after ShapingEDU 2020.

The follow up email after ShapingEDU 2020.

While meeting online often means lowering expectations for what is doable, you don’t have to sacrifice everything. Let’s explore how to leverage digital graphic recording or remote facilitation for you!

Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.


Karina Signature.png

Where in the World is ConverSketch?

Staying Home Even though live events have been cancelled for the next few weeks, I’m always impressed with how my clients adapt and innovate on the fly, and I’ve been digital graphic recording live for remote meetings.

Staying Home Even though live events have been cancelled for the next few weeks, I’m always impressed with how my clients adapt and innovate on the fly, and I’ve been digital graphic recording live for remote meetings.

How Can I Use the Graphics After an Event? In January I supported the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) during their annual conference in DC. They’ve just released the conference re-cap website packed with videos, Tweets, and h…

How Can I Use the Graphics After an Event? In January I supported the National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) during their annual conference in DC. They’ve just released the conference re-cap website packed with videos, Tweets, and highlighting interactive pieces of the conference. You can see how they wove in the graphics in multiple ways – here are the Sights and Sounds of NCSE, the Experience Wall in Engagement with Purpose, and a full Graphic Recording Gallery.

For another perspective on how ShapingEDU pivoted on the fly and a couple of shots of me working at ASU, you can read the one and only Paul Signorelli’s blog about it here.

Concerned About COVID-19? Instead of Canceling Your Event, Consider This

If you’re planning an event, you’ve probably been following the news around COVID-19 very closely, weighing options, and building backup plans. First and foremost, I hope you are healthy, and I’m sending strength to those who have loved ones who are sick. For a list of resources for updates and guidelines for gatherings from the WHO and CDC, scroll on down to the bottom.

Working with planning teams and event organizers as a graphic recorder, I first want to say YOU’VE GOT THIS! The amount of work that goes on behind the scenes to pull ANY event or meeting off is immense, and adding uncertainty of any kind creates more work and potentially more stress.

With shifting travel advisories and varying individual risk tolerances for travel, should you postpone or even cancel your event?


Let’s be clear. I’m NOT advocating for unsafe travel or putting people at risk.

Instead, consider holding the meeting remotely to ensure your participants are safe and healthy! Here’s an excellent resource for tips and tools for remote meetings and events as well.

You might be thinking at this point “Sounds great on paper, Karina, but we all know how easy it can be to get distracted while working or convening remotely.” I agree – it’s wildly tempting to be multi-tasking on a video call.

So, how to keep participants glued to their screens and following what’s going on?

Partner with a graphic recorder.

We can work digitally and share screens to show the visual notes unfolding in real-time on the remote meeting platform, or set up a camera on paper and boards to build colorful walls that can be sent to the convening organization after the event to display in your office and share with people at the next in-person meeting.



Resources and Updates on COVID-19 from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Huge thanks to the International Forum of Visual Practitioners for compiling the great resources!

Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.


Karina Signature.png

Where in the World is ConverSketch?

Phoenix & Tucson, AZ: Working with the State of Arizona’s HIV Prevention Program to capture ideas and stories on how to end the HIV epidemic. To say I was humbled is an understatement – from LGBTQ youth to trans communities to African American c…

Phoenix & Tucson, AZ: Working with the State of Arizona’s HIV Prevention Program to capture ideas and stories on how to end the HIV epidemic. To say I was humbled is an understatement – from LGBTQ youth to trans communities to African American communities, it was an honor to listen and be part of these listening sessions.

Fort Collins, CO: Facilitating collaborative discussions around river health across departments within our City’s government. This is our backyard river, and one I love dearly, so I’m looking forward to seeing how different departments can work toge…

Fort Collins, CO: Facilitating collaborative discussions around river health across departments within our City’s government. This is our backyard river, and one I love dearly, so I’m looking forward to seeing how different departments can work together!

Phoenix, AZ: I’m headed back to Arizona this week for the Third ShapingEDU Unconference hosted by Arizona State University. I am so excited to be part of this dynamic, innovative community building better learning futures for students. Here’s the Su…

Phoenix, AZ: I’m headed back to Arizona this week for the Third ShapingEDU Unconference hosted by Arizona State University. I am so excited to be part of this dynamic, innovative community building better learning futures for students. Here’s the Summary Illustration of the 10 Actions and Areas the community has developed guiding this work.