Good morning!
This is a very exciting email, because I get to share a proud moment with you all...
The Larimer County Open Space Story explainer video is a National 1st Place Award Winner!
The award was given by NATOA, an organization that supports local communities' communication efforts, was presented to my talented colleagues over at Cable 14 who filmed and edited the video. Here's a link to the press release, and a direct link to the hand drawn whiteboard-style video.
This week I'm thinking about how important it is to celebrate your wins! No matter how large or small they might seem, showing appreciation and acknowledging the work of team members or employees can do amazing things for motivation, collaboration, and creativity.
Even though I'm working as a solopreneur, I still make sure to take time to thank people I work with or who help me out, and feel really special myself when I get something like a hand-written note in the mail.
For this this week's drawing tip, I'm teaching you how to draw some folks celebrating!
As you're drawing, play with the size and angle of your people, especially the body and the head. How can you infuse emotion into these little pictures without giving them faces by tliting a head, pointing feet in a certain direction or angling a body? Sometimes simple changes can communicate a complex thought or feeling and help you get that idea across to your team!
Do you have your eye on the prize but are feeling overwhelmed by a complex project? Here's a post I wrote about how to take a bite out of that overwhelm stress with tips on how to draw out complexity so you can go for the win!
(Hint: click on the image below to make it larger)
Now I want to hear from you!
What wins have you had recently? How did you celebrate? Have you ever been recognized, even in a small way, that's made you feel great about the work you're doing?
Upload your experiences and Sketches in the comments section below to share your unique style and inspire the community! And of course, any questions, epiphanies, and requests for future ConverSKETCHes!
If you liked this tip, please share this with friends you think should celebrate the excellent work they're doing!
Thanks for tuning in! Keep doodling and making your authentic mark on this world!
Cheers, Karina
Have a company or product you're proud of and want to share with the world? Get in touch with me to talk about a high-quality, custom video to explain your ideas and move your audience to action!
This graphic recording is from a wonderful and interactive presentation by Nathaniel Quintana last week. Remember, there's only ONE you, so the authentic value you add to this world is completely unique!