Smart Ways Your Visual Notes Can Have Lasting Value — ConverSketch Graphic Facilitation

Smart Ways Your Visual Notes Can Have Lasting Value

Screenshot of a ConverSketch illustration embedded in a post from USFWS Permits website.

When you bring a graphic recorder into your event, you’re making an investment financially, in your time, and in the success and impact of your event.

So, when I saw the way the Fish and Wildlife Service Permits team was using their visual notes from last summer, I knew I had to share it with you! Months later, they’re still creating engaging content chock full of visuals to maintain momentum and tell their stories.

What’s the secret to maximizing their investment in visuals?

We thought about it early in the process.

It’s that simple. In our initial discovery calls together, clarifying the Purpose, Outcomes and Process (POP) was step one. We made sure to not only discuss how visuals might best support the group on-site, but what their goals were for the charts after the workshop.

In these conversations, it became clear that capturing all the details of every session was less important, and creating more detailed illustrations of key ideas that could be used in digital content for months afterward was a priority.

Here are three questions you can ask yourself before any meeting to make sure you’re maximizing your time, whether you have a graphic recorder with you or not:

  • What is our POP?

  • What stories do we want people telling after the meeting?

  • How can the graphics/follow up communication support this?

Thank you for your collaboration, humor, and what you do to make the world a better place.


Where in the World is ConverSketch?

Children with Medical Complexity: You may recognize this project – I’ve had the pleasure of supporting Boston University’s research on family-centered care since 2020. This year, they’re building on the initial pilot and digging deeper into what those preliminary findings mean. Here’s one of the digital graphics from this year.

Video Series: Individualized Education Programs. In partnership with High Quality IEPs walks educators and administrators through the IEP process and shares WHY they matter and how they can make a positive difference in the lives of children with disabilities.
