The Attitude of Gratitude

Good morning!

It's almost Thanksgiving, a time in the US where family, friends, and sharing time together are front-of-mind for many people. We appreciate what we have around us and take a moment to fill our hearts with gratitude (and our bellies with home-cooked meals).

I have a lot to be thankful for. And it's no secret, but I've found this to be true on so many occasions I cannot toss it up to chance: The more I appreciate the things around me, even the tiny things like finding a penny on the street, the more I find to appreciate, the more good things seem to come my way. (Side note: every time I see a coin on the street I pick it up and give a little thanks for the abundance in my life.)

So this week I encourage you to take a moment to be grateful for something, even small things, throughout your day. Find a trigger and think of something that makes you feel appreciation -- maybe it's when you look at your phone, or get up to get a drink of water. Just take a quick moment to give thanks for something or someone in your life. Heck, if you notice it makes you feel good or you're attracting more people or things you enjoy, keep it up through the new year and beyond!

This week I'm sharing some tips as a visual facilitator on drawing a little turkey, starting with some simple shapes. Add as much detail as you like! And if all else fails, you can be grateful you're not a turkey.

(Hint: click on the image below to see the larger version on the blog)

Now I want to hear from you!

Have you noticed a shift in energy if you have an attitude of gratitude? Do you have any tips on shifting from a funk to focusing on appreciation?

Upload your Sketch in the comments section below to share your unique style and inspire the community! And of course, any questions, epiphanies, and requests for future ConverSKETCHes!

If you liked this tip, please sign up for my emails and if you'd like, share this with people you're grateful for -- you never know how a kind word might affect someone's day.

Thanks for tuning in! Keep drawing and making your beautiful, authentic mark on this world!

Cheers, Karina

Grateful for your team and want to make your next meeting incredible? Get in touch with me to talk about your vision and how graphic recording can help people see how they depend on each other to get work done, and then let them know how much you appreciate them!

Where in the World is ConverSketch?

Ever wonder what it looks like to see a graphic recorder in action? Here I am capturing key ideas from a group of more than 80 citizens talking about important issues about Downtown Fort Collins. The event was facilitated by CSU students trained by the incredible Center for Public Deliberation.

And we're getting a new kitten! Here she is in all her tiny glory!

My Tip To Be Successful, No Matter What You're Doing

This week there have been some big changes here at ConverSketch HQ. No, I didn’t get an office kitten (yet). We moved into our first house! I can’t wait to get the studio space set up and know where to find things like pens again.

The two days before we moved I was graphically facilitating with the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing – they call themselves HCPF (pronounced hick-puff) – as they built a more collaborative and person-centered network of care providers around the state. Yeah, it sounds pretty forward-thinking, especially for a State agency, and it was. And the people I had the pleasure of working with from HCPF were incredibly hard-working and intelligent with a great sense of humor.

Their energy was contagious. I felt their desire to really make positive change for the people they serve, and it fired me up too. I wanted to do the best work I possibly could while practicing graphic facilitation for their conference. Even though the content was complex, I stayed focused during long days on doing the best work I could, because THEY were. (Here's a post I wrote about tapping into your creativity, if you're feeling stuck.)

And you know what? People were stoked on it. A bunch of people came and talked with me about what I was doing and how much they loved it. One of the incredible facilitation consultants told me she was “over” graphic recorders, but she loved what I was doing. We’re talking today about ways to keep working together in the future.

So what’s my tip to be successful in anything you do?

Do it with excellence. 
Do it with every ounce of hard work you can. Do it with joy. People will notice, and you’ll probably have more fun too. 

(Hint: click on the image below to see the larger version on the blog)

Now I want to hear from you!

Have you noticed a difference when you're doing your absolute best and practicing excellence? 

Upload your Sketch or share a story in the comments section below to share your unique style and inspire the community! And of course, any questions, epiphanies, and requests for future ConverSKETCHes!

If you liked this tip, please sign up for my emails and if you'd like, share this with people you know who do excellent work -- give them a little doodle thumbs up!

Thanks for tuning in! Keep drawing and making your beautiful, authentic mark on this world!

Cheers, Karina

Want to add some excellence to your next meeting, presentation or project? Get in touch with me to talk about your vision and how I can help.

Where in the World is ConverSketch?

Aside from the Colorado Medicare-Medicaid conference, I had the opportunity to serve as a guest "science professional" on a panel with students from Poudre High School interested in a program called Environmentors. I was a Mentor when I was a studen…

Aside from the Colorado Medicare-Medicaid conference, I had the opportunity to serve as a guest "science professional" on a panel with students from Poudre High School interested in a program called Environmentors. I was a Mentor when I was a student at CSU, so taking time with an organization that encourages students to explore science is one way I enjoy giving back to the community. Science Rules!

What Can Jack-O-Lanterns Teach Us About Business?

Happy Wednesday!

Carved pumpkins are emerging and I've appreciated several characteristics they share with a genuine and successful business and life. 

Each jack-o-lantern is unique, unapologetic about imperfections (really, they totally own them) and they proudly shine their unique lights out for the world. If it's blowing rain sideways or still and quiet night, jack-o-lanterns shine on. 

My most meaningful days, whether they are focused on running my business as a graphic facilitator or living life, are when I'm tuned into what makes me unique and I share that with those around me. So today I encourage you to be generous with your Light, shine it brightly and joyously, even if the wind picks up or snow starts to fall. Because you're the only one who can shine your Light the way you do. 

Here’s this week's drawing tip:

Love the imperfections. If you're drawing and a line isn't as straight or round as you'd like, embrace it anyway. See how that "imperfection" actually makes your drawing even more interesting or calls attention to your unique style. Be like that Jack-O-Lantern and just "glow" with the flow!

As a graphic recorder sometimes things go, shall I say, different than I had hoped or expected, so I try to look at it from a new perspective and make it part of that unique graphic facilitation!
(Hint: click on the image below to see the larger version)

Comment and upload your Sketch below to share your unique style and inspire someone else!  And of course, any questions, epiphanies, and requests for future ConverSKETCHes!

If you liked this tip, please sign up for my emails and if you'd like,  share this with friends who have a unique, bright Light to shine out to the world!

Thanks for reading and doodling this week. Keep drawing, and shining your authentic Light out to the world!

Cheers, Karina

Having trouble finding a match to ignite your individual or business's unique Light? Get in touch with me to set up a one-on-one or small group visual mapping session to see how to illuminate your uniqueness to make an impact!

Where In The World Is ConverSketch?

The Fort Collins Museum of Discovery is a gem in our town, and I'm stoked to have filmed a new explainer video for their Annual Report this year! Here's a teaser -- look for the finished short in early November!

Three Ways I Use Patterns in My Life and My Business

Good morning! 

First things first, my newest explainer video for the Master of Greenhouse Gas Management and Accounting Program at Colorado State University is out! Think that's a mouthful and not sure what it means? Give me three minutes and I'll show you in the whiteboard video itself!

I have been thinking about patterns lately -- from seasonal changes to examining my thoughts more closely to attempting to learn from the freaking amazing art created by Jeremy Collins.

These things all embody the strength of patterns, so this week I want to share how noticing and utilizing patterns can impact your life and business too.

1. Patterns in my business help me understand what's working and what's not. Businesses of any size test different ideas, experiment with communication strategies and services -- that's what innovation in business is all about. But experimenting without noticing or monitoring the results can lead to confusion or a waste of energy or resources. TOOLS?

2. Patterns in my life show me what I'm focusing on. I've found when something keeps coming up in my life, whether I am enjoying it or not, it is a reflection of where I am putting my mental energy. I like taking a few minutes to journal, sketch out things that keep coming up, or just breathe to recognize them and either keep doing what I'm doing, or re-direct my energy and thoughts toward something more positive.

3. Patterns in my drawings make them look more interesting and fun. Even very simple lines or dots can spice things up, add depth, or draw the eye to an important idea or image without filling the entire page with ink. The wonderful Kelvy Bird is a graphic recorder I admire for many reasons, one small one being her beautiful use of patterns, and one of the students in a class I worked with at CSU this week blew me away with her beautiful patterns in a tree trunk!

Now this week's drawing tip:

See how you can use patterns to make images or ideas stand out! I like using uneven spheres and swirling lines, or repeating a shape with a slight difference each time to show movement.

When I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate patterns, the natural world never disappoints. Here's another post where you can read about how looking to nature has fueled my drawing inspiration.

Hint: click on the image below to see the larger version

Have you ever noticed a pattern in your life and been able to change it or support it for success? What was your first step? Have you been doodling and want to share? Have a request for a ConverSketch to help you explain or process an idea? 

Upload your Sketch or story in the comments section below to share your unique style and inspire the community! 

If you liked this tip, please sign up for my emails and if you'd like, share this with friends who could enjoy tuning into patterns in their life.

Thanks for tuning in! Keep doodling and making your authentic mark on this world!

Cheers, Karina

Is your team having trouble seeing the larger patterns in your business or organization? Call me to talk about how graphic recording can help your group see their patterns, systems and create a plan of action to make change!

Boulder County faced and rose above some of the most intense environmental disasters in it's history over the past 4 years. This passionate, diverse and action-oriented group of community leaders met to discuss building a culture of resilience, and I got to graphic record it!

Drawing Business Buzzwords -- Celebrate!

Good morning! 

This is a very exciting email, because I get to share a proud moment with you all...

The Larimer County Open Space Story explainer video is a National 1st Place Award Winner!

The award was given by NATOA, an organization that supports local communities' communication efforts, was presented to my talented colleagues over at Cable 14 who filmed and edited the video. Here's a link to the press release, and a direct link to the hand drawn whiteboard-style video.

This week I'm thinking about how important it is to celebrate your wins! No matter how large or small they might seem, showing appreciation and acknowledging the work of team members or employees can do amazing things for motivation, collaboration, and creativity. 

Even though I'm working as a solopreneur, I still make sure to take time to thank people I work with or who help me out, and feel really special myself when I get something like a hand-written note in the mail. 

For this this week's drawing tip, I'm teaching you how to draw some folks celebrating!

As you're drawing, play with the size and angle of your people, especially the body and the head. How can you infuse emotion into these little pictures without giving them faces by tliting a head, pointing feet in a certain direction or angling a body? Sometimes simple changes can communicate a complex thought or feeling and help you get that idea across to your team!

Do you have your eye on the prize but are feeling overwhelmed by a complex project? Here's a post I wrote about how to take a bite out of that overwhelm stress with tips on how to draw out complexity so you can go for the win! 
(Hint: click on the image below to make it larger)

Now I want to hear from you!

What wins have you had recently? How did you celebrate? Have you ever been recognized, even in a small way, that's made you feel great about the work you're doing? 

Upload your experiences and Sketches in the comments section below to share your unique style and inspire the community! And of course, any questions, epiphanies, and requests for future ConverSKETCHes!

If you liked this tip, please share this with friends you think should celebrate the excellent work they're doing!

Thanks for tuning in! Keep doodling and making your authentic mark on this world!

Cheers, Karina

Have a company or product you're proud of and want to share with the world? Get in touch with me to talk about a high-quality, custom video to explain your ideas and move your audience to action!

This graphic recording is from a wonderful and interactive presentation by Nathaniel Quintana last week. Remember, there's only ONE you, so the authentic value you add to this world is completely unique!

What Could You Do With A New Beginning, and New Additions on the Farm

Happy September y'all!

This time of year in Colorado is beautiful, crisp and full of abundance (read: we finally have tomatoes in the garden!).

It's also a time of changes -- I've noticed the typical cooler mornings and gradually shorter days, and the garden and flowers are soaking up the end of the summer and putting on a lovely show. Businesses are starting to kick it back into high gear after summer vacations and I'm excited to be working on a few Explainer Videos this month.

Then there have been the less common fall changes...or should I say visitors? 

On Friday night we helped deliver and welcome 8 piglets to the world as Bubbles the pig had her second litter of the year. And we had the pleasure of watching a Monarch Butterfly as it emerged from its chrysalis by the front door...the inspiration for this week's drawing tip. You can see videos of both the Monarch and the piggies on my Instagram account. 

These have turned my thoughts toward how glad I am for seasonal changes throughout the year because they provide a reminder that I can reset and start fresh, as an individual and a business owner. 

Nothing is ever stagnant when you own a business, which is exhilarating, or exhausting (or both) depending on your frame of mind. When the seasons change, it is a reminder that I can decide how I want to respond to the uncertainties of life and business, I can decide if the change ends up as loss or if it becomes something beautiful, like the transformation of a Monarch Butterfly. 

Now, here’s this week's drawing tip:

When you're drawing, notice how little changes can make a big difference in how something looks, like stretching out circles to ovals as a caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Experiment and see how curving or straightening a line effects the feeling or motion of your drawing.

And speaking of observation, I wrote about how I get fired up to create high-quality, one-of-a-kind work like animated videos on a previous post.
Ready to give it a go?           (Hint: click on the image below to make it larger)

What changes are you noticing in yourself or your business this time of year? What are your favorite strategies to harness the power of change?

Share your Sketch or thoughts in the comments section below to show your unique style and inspire others! And of course, any questions, epiphanies, and requests for future ConverSKETCHes!

If you liked this tip, please sign up for my emails and if you'd like, and share this with friends you think might like a reminder to take a moment to reset and refocus as the season changes.

Thanks for reading, keep drawing YOUR inspiration, whatever that looks like for you to make your unique, positive difference in the world!

Cheers, Karina

Is your organization going through change? Get in touch to talk about how graphic recording can help clarify the complex and inspire action to move forward toward your goals. 

Where In The World Is ConverSketch?

This is a graphic recording I did over a couple of hours with City of Brighton. We asked citizens what they thought about the future of their city - see the sticky notes - and I illustrated it. Really working on those people and buildings!

Complexity - 3 Reasons to Draw it Out

Hey folks!

Lately I've been working as a graphic recording artist with clients with complex ideas -- things like greenhouse gas accounting, a Bitcoin start-up, and a Colorado medical care group trying to increase efficiency and communication across regions.

So today I wanted to share some reasons why getting visual can help you move forward on that dauntingly complex project, idea or conversation. I've also put together a sketch to help you start by yourself, or you may want to map things out with the help of a graphic recording artist.

1. Feel less overwhelmed. If you've got a start up, or a strategic plan process to put together and facilitate, or a group of movers and shakers in the room to work on a challenge, it can feel overwhelming to see the big picture. Start getting all those ideas, questions, connections and resources down on paper (or whiteboard). You'll be amazed to see where you have the most energy, where to focus resources more effectively, and how next steps appear when you start to organize your ideas visually.

2. Simplify your message. Getting all the moving parts drawn and written out shows you your strong points and can illuminate what I like to call your Soul Purpose -- the core reasons for what you're working on. From there it's easier to refine your story and get it to your audience.

3. Get on the same page. Often when a bunch of smart people are in the room, the conversations are lightening quick and full of energy. Mapping out the key ideas of the conversation makes sure that each person in the group is using the same language and any underlying assumptions are more easily clarified for a more productive meeting and shared understanding.

Now, here’s this week's drawing tip:

If you're not sure how to get started, try a mind map. Start by writing the main idea or topic in the middle of a page or board, draw a circle or rectangle around it, then write related or supporting ideas around it using lines and circles to connect them. Using different colors and connecting lines can help you keep track of themes and relationships too. For example, red might mean lots of energy or a challenge, and blue might mean a positive connection.

Wondering how to give those little people a curious, determined look? Find out how to add emotions to your drawings and why that helps your memory of the conversation!
Ready to give it a go?           (Hint: click on the image below to make it larger)

Now I want to hear from you!

Have you ever used a drawing to map out a complex idea, by yourself or with a group? What helped you get started, even if you were feeling overwhelmed? 

You can upload your Sketch in the comments section below to share your unique style and inspire the community! And of course, any questions, epiphanies, and requests for future ConverSKETCHes!

If you liked this tip, please sign up for my emails and if you'd like, share this with friends you think might need help drawing out a complex project.

Thanks for reading! Keep drawing YOUR inspiration, whatever that looks like for you to make your unique, positive difference in the world!

Cheers, Karina

Do you need help mapping out your project or clarifying your Soul Purpose? 
Get in touch with me to schedule your private Visual Mapping Session and get energy and momentum to move that idea forward!

Things are getting high-tech around ConverSketch headquarters! Something new will be coming to the ConverSKETCH emails...can you guess what it is? No, it's not a mountain bike tuning tutorial...even though that is a bike stand...Stay tuned for more!

Things are getting high-tech around ConverSketch headquarters! Something new will be coming to the ConverSKETCH emails...can you guess what it is? No, it's not a mountain bike tuning tutorial...even though that is a bike stand...Stay tuned for more!

What I Do To Get Inspired

Yesterday I got to go hang out with my Mom and do some plein air watercolor painting in my parents’ lovely back yard.

Mom has wanted to get more into art but didn’t know where to start, so I said I’d bring down my paints and we could play around with them. We were dabbling around and as I shared small tips that came to mind, I realized something about all the paintings I really am proud of.

Every painting that I’m absolutely in love with I’ve done when I’ve been outside, unhurried and un-distracted.  The African animals I did in Kenya, the river trip camp scenes done while perched on boats or rocks in canyons, even the flowers I’ve painted at home when I gave myself the afternoon “off” to go paint. Without my phone.

It can be easy to get stuck in the same routine whether you work at home or in an office, whether you’re a code developer or a graphic recording artist.

It’s easy to feel guilty about taking 15 minutes or a day away from a project that’s not flowing to focus on something else, whether it’s a different kind of project or taking your notebook and a pencil and heading outside to do sketching of whatever you find, wherever you find yourself.

It’s easy to write about how important it is to “unplug” in this day and age. But we have all felt the beneficial ripples of creativity and rejuvenation that show up in surprising ways after taking some time to “plug in” to nature and give ourselves some quiet time without the calendar, the messages, the screen. And while you’re at it, leave the self-judgment somewhere else too.

This week's tip:

When I need inspiration, I go out in nature. Head outside and look for signs of natural beauty around you. If you live in an urban area, take a close look at the colors in the flowers in a planter, or the bright veggies at an outdoor market. If you’re able to get out to a rural area, find some wildflowers or a stream and listen for different kinds of birds to inspire you.

Wherever you are, take a moment to really look around you and let the present moment wash over you. 

So how do I draw that?

Want to learn to draw a little person like this one? Find out here

Now I want to hear from you!

What do you do to get inspired? How are you using this Sketch? And of course, any questions, epiphanies, and requests for future ConverSKETCHes!

Upload your drawing in the comments section below to share your unique style and inspire the community!

Last week I finally got to meet a long time "pen pal" and inspiration of mine, the one and only, super-talented Abby VanMuijen! If you haven't seen her work, you need to check it out right now. We got to enjoy some quality Colorado beverages and exchange drawing tips, ideas and lots of jokes. Here we are looking at one of her epic explainer videos.

If you'd like to work with me to create a one-of-a-kind explainer video for your organization, please get in touch!

Did you like this drawing tidbit? 

Please sign up for my emails and if you'd like, share this with all your friends you think might need a little bit of inspiration!

Thanks for reading! Keep drawing, and doing what you do to make the world a better place!

Cheers, Karina


Have an event coming up? Keep people engaged long after it's over with graphic facilitation. Book me now!

What Do Drawing A Bike and Running A Business Have In Common?

Happy Summer Y’all!

This summer has been chock full of family visits, work projects and travel, and some fun stuff like rafting and RockyGrass too, which means it’s been very busy!

Being an entrepreneur means that there’s a LOT of work to be done…always. There’s really no end of things to improve or further develop a business, which is why I am very intentional about when I’m working, and when I’m not.

There is a fine balance between knowing when it’s necessary to push through a creative block, and knowing when to step away from a project, let things percolate (Coffee break, anyone? How about coffee puns?)…and coming back to crush it another time.

If you're curious how I stay inspired as a creative entrepreneur, you might enjoy this post too.

So when my good friend and business mentor Ariana of Rosabella Consulting requested a ConverSKETCH on how to draw a bicycle, I thought it was the perfect reminder of how important balance is, not just for a visual recorder like me. For everyone.

So go ahead and close your eyes, take a deep breath, and give yourself a minute to think about how you’d like to bring more balance in your life while you try drawing a bike!  

Now, bicycles can be a little tricky to draw, so I’ve crafted this week's drawing tip just for you:

If you’re feeling stumped when you start drawing, try beginning with a simple shape. Everyone can draw a circle or a triangle, it doesn’t have to be perfect to get you going! Our bicycle starts with two circles and a triangle. Are you…
…Ready to give it a go?

Know someone who might like this tidbit? 

Please share this with all your friends you think might enjoy learning how to draw a bike, or balancing a busy life! And if you haven't already, please sign up for my email list for more free drawing and business tips.

Thanks for reading! Keep drawing, and do the best you can to make your unique, positive difference in this world!

Cheers, Karina

Where in the World is ConverSketch?

This July has been packed -- Washington DC to work with the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, New Jersey for time with family, and Austin Texas for my first International Forum of Visual Practitioners conference! Can you imagine a room with 150 graphic recorders?! It was buzzing, colorful and so much FUN!

And now I'm looking forward to balancing a month of travel with some time at home in Colorado.

Drawing Business Buzzwords #2 - Collaboration


Summer is in full swing here in Colorado and for us that means fresh garden greens, getting to do visual recorder work outside, and river time. Last week we took a rafting trip in Hells Canyon, the deepest gorge in North America. 

There's a phrase I love to use while rafting that applies to this week's Business Buzzword Sketch (and no, it's not "Oh sh*t, hold on!"). On river trips and in organizations, success depends not just on the actions of the Trip Leader or the CEO.

If only one person is responsible for making sure every meal is cooked, or all the water is filtered, or that you're communicating effectively internally as an organization, that's a recipe for disaster. But if everyone chips in and unique skill sets are utilized, well, that's when I love to use the phrase Teamwork Makes the Dream Work.

Cheesy? Yes. But totally true, and rhymes, like doodles, tend to stick. 

It's how the group works together that makes or breaks businesses, diverse research groups, and river trips alike . 

So this week's Business Buzzword doodle is all about Collaboration.

Ready to give it a go?

Now I want to hear from you!

Come on over to the blog and upload your drawing in the comments section to share your unique style and inspire the community!

Is there a time when competition or working solo just didn't work? How did Collaborating help you out? 

What variations did you come up with? How are you using this Sketch? And of course, any questions, epiphanies, and requests for future ConverSKETCHes!

Where in the World is ConverSketch?

That's me in the green helmet rowing through a Class IV rapid in Hells Canyon! Collaboration is in play here as well -- without my good friend Zach up front to keep weight balanced on the boat, I might not have been able to punch through that big ol' wave. Thanks Zach! 

Photo credit: Jordana Barrack

Did you like this drawing tidbit? 

Please sign up for my emails and if you'd like, share this with all your friends you think might enjoy some fast, free and fun ConverSKETCHes!

Thanks for reading! Keep drawing, and do the best you can to make your unique, positive difference in this world!

Cheers, Karina



Have an event coming up? You know you want some graphic recording. Book me now!