
River Reflections

Reflections on a side hike.

Hello everyone!

I hope you had a relaxing long weekend with loved ones and are refreshed to finish this year with your unique and spectacular style.

As for me, after 24 stunning days on the Colorado River, we’re back home and getting used to things like email. And ceilings. 

Spending so much time offline in a wild place lends itself to reflections on life, the universe, and everything. I hope you’ll excuse me while I share some of the things sticking in my brain and heart that I hope stay with me for a while. At least until the next river trip reminds me all over again*.   

Presenting: Some things I learned in the Grand Canyon

  • Disconnecting for any amount of time is really great. Yeah, yeah, I know…but seriously. 

  • When scouting a challenging situation -- let’s use a massive rapid as our metaphor, shall we? -- sometimes the route that looks scary is actually easier. Picking a smart, solid path into the big waves and going for it might be easier than fighting the current to get where it looks safer. 

  • It’s okay to not always be doing, or helping, or working. It’s okay to just be. 

  • This slowing down may require practice. For me, starting by just taking 5 minutes after a meal to sit and digest helped develop a habit of pausing, appreciating, and taking a moment to look around to be present.

  • Trusting ourselves and listening to gut feelings are handy skills for navigating most situations – challenging and otherwise.

  • We cannot expect others to read our minds. It helps to approach a disagreement with curiosity, not hostility.

  • I recognize the immense privileges I enjoy to be able to do a trip like this: the indigenous lands we were on, taking time off from work, my physical and mental abilities, and the equipment, knowledge, and skills to get ourselves through 280 miles of remote desert river corridor.

  • There are powerful forces in the world, like big rivers. Sometimes we don’t need to, or simply can’t, muscle through. A successful route may require thoughtful observation, looking for what’s not necessarily apparent on the surface or at first glance, then working with the forces at play. Get the right amount of momentum and angle to move through. Then make adjustments – not fighting – but pivots to square up to the big waves. Then, remember to plant your oars and enjoy the ride.

Scouting Lava Falls, the biggest rapid we rowed.

*If you’re thinking “Wait a minute Karina, weren’t you rafting the Grand Canyon, like, last year?” Close – our most recent trip was just a couple of years ago, and we spent a few weeks on river trips this past spring. This was our third trip rafting down the Grand, and we felt wildly appreciative to win a last-minute permit this year and had to say yes to the opportunity.

Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.


Watercolor in a side canyon.

Where in the Virtual World is ConverSketch?

This week I’m getting back in the studio working on video projects and strategic planning process design. For now, I’ll leave you with some photos from the trip.

Sunrise at a river camp.

The boat I rowed with Apollo’s temple in the background.

River selfie!

Hello from the Grand Canyon!

That’s me planting the oars to get us through Upset Rapid - I made it through and was not upset about it.

You’re getting this email while I’m rowing a raft down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. For 24 days, we’re camping on the river’s edge, exploring side canyons, and completely disconnected from phone and internet from October 28th through November 23rd

If you’re keen to read about why this sort of trip is important to me and my business, here are a few posts inspired by my time on the river: 

Curious to explore the Grand? Google Street View allows you to take a virtual tour of this spectacular wild place, even exploring a few side hikes – like this iconic view at Nankoweep Overlook

We feel lucky to have pulled a follow up lottery permit at the beginning of August. A little context on how permits work: Typically, you apply in February for a permit for the following calendar year - so in 2021, we put in for trips that would launch in 2022. If people cancel their trips, the Park Service releases a limited number of follow-up lottery launches for the next 3-4 months….and with less than 1 in 1,000 odds, we were successful!

Here are a few photos my partner took during our last trip spring 2019. For more of his work click here

Sometimes we’re able to hike up away from the river for a new perspective. We still feel pretty small.

Three of our boats floating through time in a quiet stretch of river.

One of the magical side canyons we are fortunate to hike on the trip.

Thanks for being part of my community, and I’ll look forward to connecting when we’re back!


karina's signature

Where in the Virtual World is ConverSketch?

Adobe EduMAX: Adobe always hosts a delightful virtual experience, and 2021 EduMAX did not disappoint! From hearing about innovative digital literacy work from around the world to having a front row seat to the most mind-blowing virtual magic show I’ve ever seen, the Creative Campus community shared, learned, and collaborated!

digitally hand-drawn canvas of presentation by Vincent Fu, medical student and creative

National Parks Zero Landfill Initiative: After a pilot with a handful of parks around the country, the Zero Landfill Initiative is facilitating a new cohort of ZLI parks. This online meeting shared best practices from pilot parks and created space for new parks to ask questions and imagine what they might do! Here’s a Jamboard template I created for the workshop.

T-Mobile for Education: During EduCAUSE 2021, a group of higher ed leaders got together to discuss access, equity, technology, and learning. Here are some key ideas from their conversation!

Digitally hand-drawn meeting notes about access and equity using technology in higher education. Text is black on pink background with people with various skin shades talking with each other.

What Whitewater Rafting Has Taught Me About Entrepreneurship

A big hello!

If you missed it, the past three weeks I’ve been rafting and camping in the Grand Canyon, which has meant a total disconnect from technology and dropping into River Life (read: plenty of good company, good food, good beer, good scenery, and great rapids!). If you emailed or called while I was gone, thanks for your patience!

Reflecting on some of the biggest lessons I learned in the Canyon, there are a surprising number of similarities to being an entrepreneur. Here are a few of the reminders I’m taking with me as I jump back into life off the river:

Little side hikes can be the most unforgettable. Some of the most special places in the Grand Canyon are hikes up side canyons which are always full of delightful surprises. Will you find yourself in a slot canyon? Or surrounded by spring frog singing? Or stopped in your tracks by an unexpected waterfall around the next bend? Going the extra mile and wandering off the main river corridor can mean a new discovery you won’t forget!

Approaching each day with expedition mentality/generosity. This is huge. Often the biggest challenges on the river aren’t the rapids, or pushing through a headwind…but learning to live with 15 other people for three weeks. When everyone does their best to work hard, contribute, and put the group first, success is pretty much guaranteed.

The power of presence. The gift of being completely surrounded by jaw-dropping scenery, the music of the water and birds, and the steady dip of oars in the water allow one’s mind to open and heart to soften. Without the distractions of notifications or, for that matter, calendars, it’s easy to let the conversation drift, get engrossed in a story, or simply sit and be. This is one of my favorite ways to reset, refresh, and honor the people around me.

You can’t fight the might of the river. This was my first Grand trip rowing my own raft down the river, which meant navigating the rapids! When there’s an obstacle in a rapid and the force of the river is pushing toward it, the way to avoid it isn’t by trying to overpower the water, but by reading it and lining up where you want to go.

…And, at the same time, knowing and honoring your own strength. When the going gets tough, tapping into the reserves and pushing on. Sometimes you don’t have a choice, like when you are in charge of a boat and there are 30 mph gusts of wind buffeting you head-on all day. But you know you have it in you whenever you need it most.


Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.


Karina Signature_100.png

Where in the World is ConverSketch?

In the Studio: Getting back into the swing of life off the river and catching up with all of you. I’ll be traveling to graphic facilitate and graphic record off-site meetings next week, but if you want to get together for coffee and river stories, let’s get together!



Hello from a Natural Wonder of the World!


As you may have seen, this month I’m rowing a raft down the Mighty Colorado River through the Grand Canyon with a group of 15 other folks. For 21 days, we’re camping on the river’s edge, exploring side canyons, and completely disconnected from phone or internet service from March 25th through April 15th.

You’ve probably deduced by this point that while I’ll be blissfully unplugged, unfortunately I cannot work with phenomenal clients like you during this time. As an entrepreneur, finding balance between work and spending time in nature is important to me, and I feel ridiculously lucky to be a part of this trip.

Curious to explore the Grand? Google Street View allows you to take a virtual tour of this spectacular wild place, even exploring a few side hikes!

Here’s a link to one of the most iconic views – Nankoweep Overlook. Go ahead, click your way down the trail from the ruins of ancient granaries then downriver (or upriver, you do you) to see what it looks like to run the rapids!

Thanks for tuning in. I’ll look forward to connecting when we’re back in a couple of weeks!


Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.



Here’s a couple of photos my partner Spencer took during our last trip in 2014. For more of his astounding photography, check out www.spencerbphotography.com.


Use These Techniques to Diffuse A Tense Scenario at Work (or at Home)

One of the exciting things about being a facilitator is that you get to work with people. And people are not always predictable, which may leave you in the midst of a conversation that heated up real quick, and all eyes are on YOU to see how you’ll handle the situation.

You’ve got to think quickly, act compassionately, and get the group back on track without saying something that will completely shut individuals or the group down. (And at this point your client is super pumped they made the savvy decision to bring in a facilitator for this meeting instead of having to be the one in the hot seat.)

What do you do? This week I’m sharing some tips from the lovely and talented Carrie Bennett on how to “Unload Loaded Language”.

  1. Stay calm!  This isn’t about you.  It’s your job to help people hear and understand one another, not weigh in on the merits of their ideas. 
  2. Dig through the negative to find what the person DOES want.  Buried in their statements is something even their “opponent” can probably support in some way (try to find the interest behind their position).  The more you know about the issues, the more easily you can do this but you don’t need to be an expert.  Listen for what’s important to people.
  3. Translate the loaded language into something more neutral. Try to preserve the interest and check back to get the speaker’s agreement before you go on.

Give it a try…how can you re-frame these statements to be more neutral?

  • Melanie is such a slob.  I can’t even work with her because I’m always having to clean up her messes.  I’m not her maid!
  • You know, these freeloaders aren’t even trying.  They’re just happy to live off the government and let the rest of us foot the bill.  If they really wanted a better life, they would get off their @$$*$ and get a job.
ConverSketch learn to draw unloading

Once again, thank you from my heart and soul for your support, great senses of humor, brilliant minds, collaboration and what you're each doing to make the world a better place.

Cheers, Karina

Need a professional to help guide your group and unload things if they get spicy?

Where in the World is ConverSketch?

The first week of April we got to take some time off and float through Cataract Canyon in Utah. I love rafting because I get to disconnect completely, be present, and enjoy the beauty of the Canyon and my friends. I always try to sneak in a bit of p…

The first week of April we got to take some time off and float through Cataract Canyon in Utah. I love rafting because I get to disconnect completely, be present, and enjoy the beauty of the Canyon and my friends. I always try to sneak in a bit of plein air watercolor, and waiting for the shuttle was a perfect moment to do a quick sketch.

Since we got back from Cataract, it's been full on video production here at ConverSketch HQ. Here's the one I finished up last week -- and hopefully you'll get to see another one in the next post as well.

Drawing Business Buzzwords #2 - Collaboration


Summer is in full swing here in Colorado and for us that means fresh garden greens, getting to do visual recorder work outside, and river time. Last week we took a rafting trip in Hells Canyon, the deepest gorge in North America. 

There's a phrase I love to use while rafting that applies to this week's Business Buzzword Sketch (and no, it's not "Oh sh*t, hold on!"). On river trips and in organizations, success depends not just on the actions of the Trip Leader or the CEO.

If only one person is responsible for making sure every meal is cooked, or all the water is filtered, or that you're communicating effectively internally as an organization, that's a recipe for disaster. But if everyone chips in and unique skill sets are utilized, well, that's when I love to use the phrase Teamwork Makes the Dream Work.

Cheesy? Yes. But totally true, and rhymes, like doodles, tend to stick. 

It's how the group works together that makes or breaks businesses, diverse research groups, and river trips alike . 

So this week's Business Buzzword doodle is all about Collaboration.

Ready to give it a go?

Now I want to hear from you!

Come on over to the blog and upload your drawing in the comments section to share your unique style and inspire the community!

Is there a time when competition or working solo just didn't work? How did Collaborating help you out? 

What variations did you come up with? How are you using this Sketch? And of course, any questions, epiphanies, and requests for future ConverSKETCHes!

Where in the World is ConverSketch?

That's me in the green helmet rowing through a Class IV rapid in Hells Canyon! Collaboration is in play here as well -- without my good friend Zach up front to keep weight balanced on the boat, I might not have been able to punch through that big ol' wave. Thanks Zach! 

Photo credit: Jordana Barrack

Did you like this drawing tidbit? 

Please sign up for my emails and if you'd like, share this with all your friends you think might enjoy some fast, free and fun ConverSKETCHes!

Thanks for reading! Keep drawing, and do the best you can to make your unique, positive difference in this world!

Cheers, Karina



Have an event coming up? You know you want some graphic recording. Book me now!